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Who Is Stan Lee?

Stanley Lieber was just seventeen when he got his first job at Timely Comics in 1939. Since then, the man now known as Stan Lee has launched a comic book empire, made Marvel Comics a household name, and created iconic superheroes such as Iron Man,...
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Sik and the Dragon Goddess- Rick Riordan Presents: Fury of the Dragon Goddess

Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents a second earth-shattering adventure based on Mesopotamian mythology by Sarwat Chadda, author of City of the Plague God. *"Chadda excels in this action-packed adventure, peppered with scenes examining Western...
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Birds of the World: The Birds of Wingspan 12-Month 2024 Planner Calendar

Inspired by the blockbuster and beloved board game Wingspan comes Birds of the World: The Birds of Wingspan 2024 Planner, featuring 35 stunning works found in the game. Some tabletop board games are pretty; and other games are predominantly fun; but...
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Grace in All Simplicity

An enthralling and accessible account of humanity’s quest to make sense of our physical world, told through interwoven tales of inspiration, tragedy, and triumph. An enthralling and accessible account of humanity’s quest to make sense of our...
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World of Reading- World of Reading: Spidey and His Amazing Friends: The Hangout Headache

Hulk’s hanging out in WEB-Quarters! What could possibly go wrong? Spidey invites Hulk to hangout in WEB-Quarters for the day, like any good friend would do. But it quickly turns into disaster. It turns out that Hulk in WEB-Quarters is worse than a...
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Europe by Eurail 2023

Europe by Eurail has been the train traveler’s one-stop source for visiting Europe’s cities and countries by rail for nearly fifty years. Newly revised and updated, this comprehensive annual guide provides the latest information on fares, schedules...
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Beths dochter Jodie wordt door haar vader verplicht om Kerstmis door te brengen bij haar moeder, van wie ze vervreemd geraakt is. Op diezelfde ochtend spoelt er op het strand een vreemde container aan. Wanneer Jodie haar moeder voor de zoveelste...
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3 voor €15

Un prophete

De 19-jarige Malik wordt veroordeeld tot 6 jaar cel. In het keiharde gevangenisbestaan wordt hij al snel in het nauw gedreven door César, de leider van de nietsontziende Corsicaanse maffiabende, die de gevangenis beheerst. Maliks Arabische afkomst...
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Mushoku Tensei: Roxy Gets Serious- Mushoku Tensei: Roxy Gets Serious Vol. 3

DEMON DAYS IN THE HOLY CITY The humans of Millishion fear and distrust demonkin like Roxy–bad news for an adventurer hard up for work! Thankfully, after a chance meeting with another of her own kind, Roxy’s made some new connections. One of them is...
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Speciale week aanbieding

Plop - De kabouter paashaas

Wanneer de zieke Kabouterpaashaas bij Plop komt aankloppen om hem te helpen dit jaar de eitjes voor de kabouterkindjes klaar te maken en te verstoppen, trommelt Plop meteen al zijn vrienden op om hem te helpen. Terwijl Kwebbel de zieke paashaas verzorgt, maakt Klus een heuse paaseimachine en alle kabouters helpen mee. Alleen Smul heeft een snood plan, hij wil eitjes ontvreemden uit wraak omdat de...
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